

Garlic hardough bread
5 years ago

Garlic hardough bread

By  •  Baking!

This has to be one of our most innovative and personal loveable recipes we’ve done. We adore Hardough bread and garlic bread flavour. So combining the two made perfect sense. …
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Sweet potato pudding

By  •  Baking!

Sometimes known as Hell a top, hell a bottom and hallelujah in the middle. A sweet traditional dessert with a soft texture, great with ice-cream, cream or even custard! Go-ahead …
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Spicy Vegetable Patties
7 years ago

Spicy Vegetable Patties

By  •  Baking!

These spicy vegetable patties are delicious! And there healthy! Made with 100% vegan ingredients. Great for a snack on the go!. We have put a twist to the traditional authentic …
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Easter Bun
7 years ago

Easter Bun

By  •  Baking!

Easter Bun is a must at easter#1, eaten with thick cheddar cheese. This is a rich bun with lots of flavour make sure you give this recipe a try.

Easter …
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Carrot cake
7 years ago

Carrot cake

By  •  Baking!

Carrot cake is a traditional caribbean treat! our grandmother would always make this recipe when we was well behaved. we prefer carrot cake with icing on although it is just …
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Dumplings recipe
7 years ago

Dumplings recipe

By  •  Baking!

Dumplings is a traditional dish from the caribbean, and is used for meals such as ackee and saltfish, mackerel rundown. Mainly used as part of a breakfast but can be …
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Pancakes with plantain & syrup glaze
7 years ago

Pancakes with plantain & syrup glaze

As it’s UK’s national pancake day, we thought we’d make our thick and tasty American Pancakes with plantain & syrup glaze. This fluffy treat compliments well with the crunchy plantain texture, …
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Mango & Pineapple Crumble
7 years ago

Mango & Pineapple Crumble

By  •  Baking!


Mango and Pineapple Crumble.

1 cup of pineapple chunks

1 cups of mango chunks

½ cup of orange juice

½ cup mango juice

½ cup pineapple juice

2 tbsp. …
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Wholemeal banana and carrot cakes
7 years ago

Wholemeal banana and carrot cakes

By  •  Baking!

Wholemeal Banana & Carrot  Cakes 250g Wholemeal Flour 1 Large Banana 2 small carrots Sprinkle of Mixed dried fruit 2 beaten eggs Half cup of milk 2 tbsp brown sugar …
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Jamaican Christmas Black cake / Rum cake
8 years ago

Jamaican Christmas Black cake / Rum cake

By  •  Baking!

[emaillocker] Jamaican Christmas Black Cake Rum cake / Fruit Cake. This recipe is a ever present during the holiday season in a Jamaican household! This sweet and rum infused cake is …
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Rum Cupcake recipe
8 years ago

Rum Cupcake recipe

By  •  Baking!

Rum Cupcake recipe. Our spin on the traditional Rum Christmas cake – A great snack that’s incredibly easy to make! These will go down a treat at parties, so feel free to go …
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Ackee, Saltfish & Callaloo Pizza recipe
8 years ago

Ackee, Saltfish & Callaloo Pizza recipe

Ackee, Saltfish & Callaloo Pizza recipe. The ingredients sound out of the ordinary, but believe us they come together to make a fantastic tasting pizza! Ackee, saltfish and callaloo is …
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